Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A New BzzCampaign Review - L'Oreal Double Extend Mascara

So, as most everyone knows, I'm a makeup junky. Anything that adds color, volume to my eyelashes, or "allure" to my face is something that I'm all about! So, when I got the offer to join a product review campaign for a new mascara product, it took less than 2 minutes for me to sign on as a participant!

L'Oreal has a new product, called Lash Boosting Technology. It's a two part effort - in the day time you use a base booster and mascara combo to make lashes look thicker and longer. And, at night, you use a lash boosting serum to help create thicker, fuller lashes. The claim: In as little as 4 weeks, you should begin to see thicker, fuller, stronger lashes, with less lash fall out when you remove your makeup - assuming you use the mascara and booster combo by day and the serum by night.

Well, I couldn't resist. I'm a fan of mascara, and am absolutely amped about the possibility of getting thicker & fuller lashes. I even plan to try eyelash extensions at some point, probably from Wink Eyelash here in the city. I just got the package which included a simple instruction guide along with the two part mascara (mascara and concentrated serum booster) and the nightly lash serum. So, here goes with the Day 1 review.

Pre Eyelash Pics:
As you can see, I have decent length and thickness already to my lashes - and yes, they naturally curl. :)

Ease of use:
I must say, it's pretty fool proof and quick enough to use. First you use the booster in the gold end of the mascara stick and coat the lashes. Simple enough! Then follow up with the actual mascara.

So far, I'm not a fan. Yes, my lashes look darker and longer, but they also feel plastic-y (eek!). In the past, I've been using Fiberwig - which I love. It really does make lashes look thicker and longer - yet keeps them feeling soft. Right now, I have hard lashes, and the mascara is so thick that it looks like a PSA for not using too much mascara. And, I have to add that I'm not a novice to makeup - I know how to apply mascara correctly. The mascara looked sooooo goopy I had to use my eyelash comb, which I practically never use, to attempt to separate my lashes.

I'm not counting L'Oreal's product out yet - as I still need to use the nightly serum and I still have a month to go of using this product. But so far, it's not looking to great. :-/

Extra important info: This product is hypo-allergenic and has been opthamologist tested as safe for people wearing contacts, etc - super important since I spent money to get Lasik this past Spring.

More reviews to come... :)

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