Monday, July 27, 2009

OMG! It's Been a Minute!


So, it's definitely been a minute since I updated my blog. I've been super busy with work (in a good way since it's my own work!). And what have I been up to? The following:

So as everyone knows, I'm a social media marketer who officially started my own company (Big Apple Style Marketing) not that long ago. I prefer working with entertainers (musicians, artists, actors, DJs, etc.) and helping them to gain visibility as well as perfecting their "Google-ability" by enhancing their placement in natural search.

Over the past few months I've really made some great partnerships with major Internet content providers as well as mobile providers. So, now I'm in a perfect position to help emerging/new/hungry artists get their trade seen & heard by eyes & ears from around the world!

So, now that I've established those relationships, it's time for me to actually take the time to put my website together rather than working off of word of mouth (which has been good...but a 24-7 presence is awesome too!).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi. I am glad to read that you are staying blessed and highly favored. I know that you have even more success coming your way.
